Geology and geodynamics of Cuba and the Caribbean. Geochemistry, Hydrogeology, Geological Engineering, Geotechnics, Marine Geology. Study and prevention of geological hazards (seismic, volcanic, slopes processes, coastal processes, etc.) Experiences in the exploration and exploitation of water, solid fuels and minerals. Experience in the application of remote sensing. Geodiversity, Geoparks and Geotourism as an alternative for local development. Protection of geological heritage. Geo-environmental problems and development. Teaching and research in Geosciences
- X Symposium Seismology and other Geohazards
- VIII Workshop groundwater geo-environmental problems and development
- VI Workshop Exploration, Exploitation and Processing of Gold
- V International meeting Students and Geosciences
- IV Workshop History of Geologic Activity
- IV Workshop Geodiversity and geoconservation
- II Workshop Geoparks and Geotourism as an alternatives to achieve sustainable development
- II Workshop geological cartography by 1:50 000 scale.
- I Workshop Geoethics, implication of geoscience knowledge
- I Workshop geothermic sources
- I Workshop Stratigraphic Cod and Stratigraphic Lexicon of Cuba
- I Workshop Ornamental rocks and Gemology
- II Workshop 3D Geological cartography and advance in digital cartography
- Round Table: Education in geosciences, geological museums
- Round Table: Geoinformation management for scientific community and society
- I Workshop Geoenvironmental Problems, contamination and development.
- I Workshop on exploration of critical minerals for the energy transition
- II Workshop Business Opportunities
- I Workshop advance of Caribbean Sea marine cartography, European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
- Session on Geology and Geodynamic Evolution of Cuba
Geophysical prospecting of minerals, geology, hydrogeology and Engineering Applications. Environmental Geophysics. Physical properties of rocks. Acquisition, processing and interpretation of geophysical data. Solid Earth Geophysics. Deep Crust and Upper Mantle. Space Geophysics. New Geophysics Instrumentation. Recent advances and future development in Geophysics.
- IV Workshop Tectonic Plate Boundary and deformations of Caribbean: Geodynamic
Surface and Underground Mining. Mining Safety. Mining and Energy Economy. Mineral Processing. Technological Research. New Products and Processes. Technical and economic evaluation of mining projects and technologies. Development and exploitation prospects of solid minerals. Mining Geology
- XI Symposium Geology, Exploration y Exploitation of lateritic-Ni deposits
- X Symposium Mining and Metallurgy (MINEMETAL)
- VI Workshop about experiences in exploitation mine for construction material industries.
- I Workshop New Technologies for use and process colas.
- I Workshop Mining and their impact to the physical and social means. Prevention and remediation of the environmental impact. Passive miners
- I Workshop Geologic service of the mines and quarry. Mining tasks. Estimation and reestimation of resources and reservations
- II Workshop Impact of the potentiality of the technical minerals in function of the sustainable agriculture and the alimentary sovereignty
- I Workshop on experiences in the exploitation and processing of critical minerals.
Oil and natural gas prospects of Cuba and the Caribbean. Oil exploration in fold and thrust belts. Deepwater Exploration. Experience in the production of heavy oil. Treatment, transportation and refining. Horizontal drilling technology and far-reaching. Use of residual natural gas. Alternative sources of energy (fossil fuels, geothermal, hydro, wind)
- VIII Workshop Horizontal drilling technology and far-reaching
- V Workshop Biotechnology and Environmental Protection in the Oil industry
- IV Workshop Apply chemistry in oil and gas industry
- Workshop Geology and Petroleum Exploration in the Southeast Gulf of Mexico.
Emerging applications of GIS in Geosciences. Processing and Digital Image Analysis. Application of navigation systems and global positioning system (GPS). Geostatistics and Spatial Data Analysis. Exploratory Analysis and Data Mining. Numerical Analysis and Pattern Recognition. Mathematical Modeling (2D and 3D). Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Methods for Automatic Generated Hypothesis.
- II Workshop Geotechnologies applied to management process
- II Workshop Applying Geomatic for disaster prevention and mitigation
- II Workshop Applying remote sensing in geosciences
- I Workshop 3D Cartography applications and experiences
- II Workshop Database System, Space, Exploratory Analysis and Data Mining